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Safety Data Sheets

Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) in compliance with the EU CLP Guideline (GHS) for your products

We offer the preparation, updating and plausibility check of Material Safety Data Sheets in compliance with the EU CLP Guideline (GHS) in all European languages, also in Chinese, Japanese and preparation of U.S. compliant MSDS. The MSDS are prepared by highly qualified personnel and if required will be updated regularly.

The MSDS is intended to provide professional and commercial users of substances or preparations the required physical, chemical, toxicological and ecotoxicological data and information on safety procedures. This data is required for correct handling, and in order to be able to take the required health and environmental protection measures, as well as to ensure safety in the workplace.

Preparation of Material Safety Data Sheets is a challenge for many companies. We are happy to help you!

Software solution for the preparation of MSDS in compliance with the EU CLP Guideline (GHS) for your products

We offer you a professional hazardous materials management tool to prepare MSDS in compliance with the EU CLP Guideline (GHS): The epos Hazardous Materials Manager®.
Epos integrates modules like laboratory and product applications and also covers safety aspects of workplace. A typical epos  package serves requirements for small and medium enterprises, but also the demands of large enterprises. Numerous national and international clients of the chemical industry, retail and manufacturing industry rely on our epos Hazardous Materials Manager ®.

With this highly sophisticated software you are able to prepare your own MSDS efficient, professional and linked to the work field.

Take advantage and benefit from such an excellent tool which supports you by preparing your MSDS which will be in compliance with current regulations. The module set-up of epos Hazardous Materials Manager ® will give you the right tool in hand which can grow with your requirements and demands for preparing your MSDS.

Ask us, we will be happy to give you more information!


Schweizer Gefahrguttag